Monitoring International Mission of EODE
For the senatorial elections of April 14, 2013 in Cameroon
Press Release of EODE Zone Africa /
2013, May 05 /
On April 14, 2013 EODE deployed throughout the territory of Cameroon a large number of international observers, members of EODE Africa Zone (*). It was indeed the first EODE participation at elections in Africa and specifically at the first senatorial elections in the history of Cameroon.
Overall, EODE observed the smooth taking place of the poll and appreciated at its true value the quality of the organization of elections as prepared by ELECAM (ELECTIONS CAMEROON), the official national body responsible for organizing elections in Cameroon .
In terms of logistics, EODE observed no failure, all polling stations in over fifty departments were over-equipped and in the most remote places, side means of lighting were put in place to mitigate the problem of lack of electricity. EODE also noted that significant steps were also taken by ELECAM in large urban centers to intervene if necessary, in case of power failure (common in Cameroon).
In general, the election was held in a peaceful atmosphere, without haste and without excesses. Security was at the meeting place, any external intervention either of state officials, of police forces, or of members of ELECAM or of competing political parties was observed on the extent of the territory.
If there is one thing to complain about, it is the amateurism of some officials of polling stations especially in the far north, who had some difficulties in the exercise of their function mainly in the implementation of the rule of counting operations and the counts of votes.
It was also observed that the vote was almost known in advance with voting instructions that were dictated in some parts of Cameroon by competing political parties including the ruling CPDM (Cameroon People's Democratic Movement) and the largest opposition party, the SDF (Social Democratic Front) which have arrogated to themselves the 70 Senate seats, awaiting the 30 seats the President of the Republic shall provide in the next 10 days after the promulgation of the results by the Constitutional Council on April 29 as stipulated in Article 214 paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Cameroon.
The CPDM won 56 seats out of 70 with a rate of 73.12% of the vote while the SDF gets away with 14 seats or 17.59%. The UNDP and the UDC, unhappy parties, out of the senatorial elections with no seat but they collect respectively 6.12% and 2.46% of voting. They could do no better before the political machine by the party of President Paul Biya or the SDF of Ni John Fru Ndi. Note the relationship of peaceful coexistence between these two great forces of Cameroonian politics, which a decade ago, did not even address a word to each other.
Overall, the senatorial elections in Cameroon have been completed without a real impact especially since the issue was minimal. EODE will determine the effectiveness of ELECAM during the upcoming deadlines especially in municipal and legislative elections in preparation before the end of 2013.
EODE Mission released in French this May 4, 2013 a GENERAL REPORT of more than 70 pages.
This report will be available in PDF to download on the Website of EODE:
Yaounde, May 5, 2013.
The International Election Observation Mission of EODE /
Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections
# On the EODE International Mission, read:
Pic : Gilbert Nkamto, CEO of EODE Africa and the representant of the Mission of the African Union.