Luc MICHEL & Karel HUYBRECHTS for EODE Think Tank /
with RT – AFP – Le Monde des Religions – EODE Press Office / 2014 01 03 /
At least thirty people were killed in Volgograd – the former Stalingrad – near the unstable Russian Caucasus in two attacks. A female Islamist suicide bomber Oksana Aslanova was behind the attack Sunday at the Station of Volgograd . A second attack targeted on Monday a trolleybus still in Volgograd . This just two days after the explosion of a car bomb near the traffic police department in Pyatigorsk in southern Russia that killed three people . Jihadi terrorists have struck again …
Since 1999, Russia has been hit by a series of bloody attacks , many of them having been committed by female suicide bombers , nicknamed the " Black Widows " and preferred weapons of the Islamist rebellion. A woman has committed the double suicide bombing in March 2010 in the Moscow metro that killed 40 people . In 2004, two women from the North Caucasus blew up two airliners that had taken off from Moscow airport Domodedovo , killing 90 people.
These attacks raise concerns about the security of Sochi ( southwest ) Olympic Winter Games that open Feb. 7 . The resort of Sochi, located between the shores of the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, 690 kilometers southwest of Volgograd, is close to the Caucasian regions regularly shaken by violence, in particular Dagestan.
Vladimir Putin has erected these games national priority and intends to do of it a showcase of Russia. Huge resources have been invested in work in all directions in Sochi, previously almost virgin of sports facilities . The overall bill makes of the Olympics the most expensive games in Olympic history – winter and summer alike – with some $ 50 billion (36 billion euros) .
The head of the Russian Caucasus Islamists Doku Umarov , number one enemy of the Kremlin, had called in July in a video to attacks against the Olympics in Sochi (South), which opens on February 7 , to prevent " by all means " the holding of this event. Umarov has repeatedly said he wanted to bring terror throughout Russia . They threatened Sochi, but not only. " " We live with the threat of terrorism and this attack reminds us , "said a Russian expert.
Islamist unrest in the Caucasus is an old case. It began in the 30s and was organized by the Third Reich and the German Nazi Party to destabilize the USSR. It then culminated in the Second World War from 1941 to 1944 that has even seen many 'Soviet' Muslims fight with the Nazis, including in the Waffen SS . Among Nazi collaborators the Muslim Brotherhood, organized into networks by the Nazis from their headquarters in Munich (and which is still in activity).
In 1945 , Muslim networks are taken in hand by the Americans and engaged in the Cold War against the USSR. The end of it is not the end but a new beginning . For U.S. geopoliticians , among them Brezinski , the author of the “Grand Chessboard " resumed the geopolitical agenda of Nazi theorist Rosenberg and their ultimate goal is the collapse of the Russian Federation. The Russian Caucasus, underbelly of Russia , is one of the privileged fronts of this silent war . The two Chechen wars – in 1994 and 1999 ( won by Moscow) – The unrest in Dagestan are the events of it.
Behind the enemies of Russia : the U.S.A., NATO , Saudis who have taken over the jihadists in the Caucasus. Vilnius in Lithuania, with an anti-Russian regime, member of NATO, is home of their communication on the Net. As for Georgia, its secret services provide networks , paths …
The geopolitical background is the "Great Game" between Russia and the Anglo-Saxons (British then Americans) for domination of the Caucasus and Eurasia. "The conflict between Russian forces and Chechen fighters is not new, says Le Monde des Religions. In fact, whenever the central power – the tsarist empire and the Soviet Union before its fall in 1991 – made a pretence of being failing, Chechens sought to emancipate themselves and to win their independence. The war in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century, the deportations in 1944 (N: Chechens had collaborated extensively with the Nazis) and finally the two Chechen wars (1994-1996 and 1999-2000) still weigh heavily in memories. "
After the first Chechen war (1994-1996), the rebellion was quickly Islamized – under the impetus of Americans and Saudis, what always forget to specify the Western analysts who dominate the media of NATO (as the Belgian Aude Merlin, violently anti-Russian) – and it increasingly spilled beyond the borders of this small republic to transform the mid-2000s in an active armed Islamist movement throughout the North Caucasus.
The separatist movement has become in the late 90's one of the fronts of radical Islamism . "The religious component has not always had the weight it has today”, says Le Monde des Religions (…) The arrival of foreign preachers during the interwar period (…) radicalized part of the resistance , and Islamist coloration became more visible in the second war. However , even in the toughest Salafist groups such as the one of Basayev ( behind the hostage-taking in Beslan in 2004) , it should be noted that the claims remained political and foremost anti-colonial. Islam was a vector, but aspirations remained primarily separatist. The rhetoric of a global jihad , transnational struggle against the infidels and the claims of an Islamic emirate only appeared after the death of former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov in 2005 and that of separatist fighter Shamil Basayev in 2006. It is , in fact, with Doku Umarov that an extremely harsh and violent Islamism is installed in the region. The fight has not aimed now the only independence of Chechnya , but rather the creation of an Islamist state comprising all the regions of the North Caucasus and based on a rigorous and uncompromising Islam”.
The Islamist rebellion therefore seeks to establish an Islamist state in the North Caucasus, and its leader, Doku Umarov, number one enemy of the Kremlin, had called in July in a video to attacks against the Olympics in Sochi, to prevent "by all means” the course of this event.
From the ranks of the Chechen rebels, Doku Umarov, "figure of caucasian Salafi Islam " according to Le Monde des Religions, is considered the number one enemy of the Russian state and declared himself in 2007 at the head of a "Caucasus Emirate". He called for jihad in Russia and claimed a suicide bombing at Moscow-Domodedovo airport that had killed 37 people on January 24, 2011 and other deadly operations, including two suicide bombings that killed 40 people on March 29, 2010 in the Moscow subway.
The war of aggression against Syria is partly a projection of the Russian Caucasus conflict . The Caucasian jihadists are fighting in a big katiba of the " Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus”. And Damascus enemies intend well to export the conflict in Russia to punish Moscow. Diplomatic sources suggest even behind the scenes direct threats of Saudi Prince Bandar Sultan , head of special services of Riad and true leader of the Islamist and jihadist terrorists in Syria, on the Olympics in Sochi …
This attack, like the one of last October , both in Volgograd, the large city in the Russian South , is undoubtedly a warning to Putin on Syria from Bandar Sultan , whose visit to Moscow in September went wrong . But knowing the Kremlin master , it is really a challenge that will not go unanswered …
" The head of Saudi intelligence had promised to make life difficult for Putin , if he did not agree to give up both Assad and Syria (…) During the meeting with Putin, Bandar Sultan reportedly threatened the Russian President to jeopardize the security of the Olympics in Sochi ". the head of Saudi intelligence has every reason in the world to be reminded of the good memory of Putin who reportedly has retorted : "We will break the back of your terrorists if they set foot in Sochi”.
Version francaise sur :
Photos: Attack in Volgograd,
Doku Umarov , leader of the Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus.