KH for EODE Press Office /
With EODE Think Tank / 2014 05 18 /
"Novorossia" is one of the new geopolitical concepts that arise from the "geopolitical revolution of Crimea".
Anticipating the event and understanding what emerges is the basis of the "prospective geopolitical Analysis" that practises Luc MICHEL …
On EODE Think Tank – where you could discover "Novorossia" beginning of March, six weeks before Putin speaks of it in his mega press conference in late April – , read again (in French) the theses of U.S. neocon Luttwak (who cares) and those of Luc MICHEL :
* Geopolitics / Crimea and 'Transdnistria' between geopolitics and history repetition …
"Sign of the times and glance of History in this eventful year 2014, it was under Catherine II that the Crimea became Russian. And was created in the west, Crimea and on the left bank of the Dnieper , Odessa and Sevastopol , to be that "Novo Rossia" which, according to some , President Putin would like to recreate”, says geopolitical expert Luc Michel. Catherine the Great whose 285th anniversary is precisely celebrated by Russia. "No doubt the figure of the great Empress and the celebration of her memory will serve to promote the greatness of Putin’s restored great Russia" …
* On EODE Think Tank / Geopolitics : Putin moves his pawns on the 'Grand Chessboard' and offers the neutralization of Kiev and Moldova …
KH / EODE Press Office /